Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A life devoted to Iraqis ends with a single bullet

Its stories like this that really anger me. They make my blood boil. This person was over in Iraq to help the Iraqi people with humanitarian work. She wasn’t there to fight a war or to try to talk Sadam into changing his mind about being a dictator. She was there to lend a helping had. And what do these Insurgent Muslim Terrorist do? They kidnap her, use her for propaganda and then kill her.

But as I write this I am reminded what Jesus said about loving our enemies. Whether or not this lady was a Christian she was definitely doing the work of Jesus Christ. My prayers go out to her family.

Lake Winnipesaukee in October

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of thier country.

Is this blog sad or what?